Return agreement

Because we care

If you are not satisfied with your order, you can return it within 3 days of its arrival, and get a full refund!

You can request the return of the item by submitting a complaint about the item through the site, or by contacting customer service. The merchandise must be in the condition in which it was received, in its original packaging and ready to be shipped again.

Return Policy:

  • You can return the item for a full refund within 3 days of receiving it.
  • The merchandise must be in the same condition in which you received it, and it must be in its original packaging and ready for shipment.
  • You will not pay any shipping fees when returning the item if it is damaged or in a case other than the case described on the site.
  • You can still return the item if you are not satisfied for any other reasons; however, you will bear the shipping and return costs when returned in this case.
  • We will send the shipping agent to pick up the item from you directly or you will return the goods on your own.
  • The returned shipment will be inspected once it is received.
  • After inspecting the shipment and agreeing to return it, your money will be returned to your account on E4R after deducting any expenses related to the shipping or return process.